Sunday, July 12, 2009

The Adventure Begins...

A month before school begins, I sit here with a million ideas swirling around in my head. My district invested A LOT of money in me and my classroom; I need to seriously be on-point from the second school starts!

I have some worries: Will my wireless access be up and running when I need it to be (meaning, Day 1)? Will the other teachers in my school be as upset that they aren't introducing a "model classroom" as I'm afraid they will be? Will I really affect change around here, which is my ultimate goal? How can I conduct a real study and not leave some of my students out? The list goes on...

To keep some small amount of sanity, I'll follow two pieces of advice. The first comes from one of the instructors I had during my Master's program: "Just take it step by step." The other comes from the Boy Scouts: "Be prepared."

My first step, which I'm working on now, is to create my curriculum map and gather my technology resources for each unit. I have 1001 ideas that now need to be organized - I'm glad I have a month for this!

Let the adventure begin...

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